how am i suppose to tell...
when what i want is not what i want...
when what i expect is not what i expect...
anyhow, i just have to accept the fact that i failed and i have to extend further.
life is full with obstacle. ya. it's true that there are people who goes through like no sweat but do you know how much effort they put in?
i can't change the fact right? so why not accept it. 强颜欢笑 like no big deal...
maybe there is reason for me to stay in again.. but i don't have the passion..
must think positive. live your life to the fullest. think it in a way round.
thanks to those who concerned. appreciate it.. if i can get to settle myself soon and get a solid confirmation. i promise that i will tell.. but i guess no one is interested in knowing it since it's been along time.
tiga tahun lepas di mana saya menuntut di UTAR (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman), bukan UNITAR.. tapi UTAR.. xD
从不认识大家的我们,直到建立起厚厚犹如study manual 一样厚的友谊..
然后 一转眼 再转眼 三转眼 三年了。
又是时候说拜拜,说实在 我还蛮不舍得的。虽然嘴巴还是死撑着,这是人生必过的一个阶层,没有必要舍不得还是什么什么。。但是我真的真的好不舍哦。所谓的overnight session,特别珍惜。谢谢你们的捧场,也在event的第二天留下来。打从心底,我真的好开心哦。event结束后,我顿时脑袋空了。做什么好呢?收拾也不是,发呆也不是。好想哭 哦。。。
我的“好姐妹” Left: 小妹 aka Ella ; Right:大妹 aka Selina
谢谢你们把我的不完整变成“一点点”的完整。 =p
非常感谢 Anna 帮我们拍这张照片。好值得回味的一张。
其实从小,我很想要有一部那款相机,拍了立刻拿照片。 lol
也是一张Anna的杰作。。。 哈哈。谢谢
哈哈, AS的美女~ 能跟她拍照是何等荣幸啊。。(其实也拍满多张的。嘿嘿)
哈哈, 我的”大姐“。。 才发现 诶,原来我没有跟小妹拍到两个人的合照。。oops =X
左拥右抱。 =X
Sporty Vanessa..=D
Always Jason punya May Ling.. jangan lah always Jason... Jason tu banyak EMO tau.. lol
如果要upload上来blog的话,我觉得我还有很多张要upload。。不如大家来我的facebook 看看吧。。。哪里有更多。。我只是选几张出来吧了。。
当时我记得我要在我的blog写很多很多东西,可是现在我能想的和我能写的 就只有 不舍 好不舍 想你们 好想你们
这么多位 所谓的 ”猪狗朋友“ 谢谢你们 让我的这三年 添了一分色彩
当让 也从你们身上 学了些 我没有的东西 或者是 让我有的东西 更上一层楼
衷心祝福你们 安康
it's been a month.. since last time i wrote some crap on my blog.. nobody is reading it.. after all.. xD
i'm talking to myself.. expressing how i feel(though i did not express all out because i think not all things can be posted here)
anyhow.. time to clean up..
for the last two weeks, i was busy with my shopping.. lol.. clothes for me(though i don't really need it for this new year as a matter a fact that i have a lot in my closet, i can say that when i wear it out, people will say is still new.. or they don't even bother), my family... and some other home need.. for this coming chinese new year.. until i'm fully packed and late for check in.. due to first time scaling my teeth.. its a good experience.. and doctor advice me to do it once a year.. so i guess i'll stick to that..
another thing is my skin problem.. previously i'm having this eczema thingy.. and i am so headache bout it.. it makes scars throughout my body. and now i'm glad that it is getting better.. so cheers.. xD
this semester, here comes again..
everytime there's nothing i can complain much except for my study study study..
this semester is a new semester for me.. and also hoping to go better.. as i don't really make it real late.. (let's just make that a new year resolution)..
i'm making effort on it.. =D
somehow, i started to get a feeling that it was not meant for me afterall.. why i said that.. i guess i know why.. and i will not say it out..
cheers everyone.. and enjoy chinese new year holiday.