All me

you don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow, why not live your today to the fullest and enjoy it to the max. =)

Fed up for test and test that keep on going week by week... and it's troublesome...

although having test and test every week is good.... Not only you will get your coursework marks.. but also keep on doing revision... but one thing for sure... when you enter the room, looking at the question... sweat... this kind of question..... then ~~~

kind of dissapointed, not kind of.... is TOTALLY.... what am i suppose to do??? tell me the same thing... Struggle hard for your final...yaya.... that's the thing that most of the people can say to me for now....

Who suggested DOTA last week and after two rounds for last week, three rounds for this week.... infinitely many rounds being "practised" at home. Now... all of them are SO~~~ excited discussing about DOTA... OH GOD!!! Please ar....
To ALL my lovely and dearest friends, PLEASE DON't GET ADDICTED....
TRy to control yourself for not playing too much...
[p/s: updated to avoid misunderstanding 29-03-2009]
Maybe it's a way of de-stress.... who knows?? enjoying KS people, killing people... when you are dominating.... killing one after one... the feeling... I can describe it as "WOW!!!!, I can smell the blood and feel the fear of the opponents"
I am victorious, unstoppable.... haha.....
stop all the day dreaming.... I am just a beginner...
Please don't aim me!!! I am NOOB......=p

每个礼拜都有小考,assignment, 一个接一个。。。“好事”一连串的来。。好像忙里偷闲哦!可是 “不能,我要赢!!一定要拼!!”。。。。拼到来。。。 不如想象中的好。。。为什么??“不可以在玩下去了。。这不是儿戏。。。” 有几次,每当想起,很后悔。。。基本的也会错。。。 还有几个礼拜。。。我要撑到最后;可是也想放弃。。。我能吗? 肩膀酸了,累了。。。

“...我烦恼 太被动并不好,烦恼 太冲动也不好,烦...钻进了牛角,我烦恼 太聪明并不好,烦恼 太愚蠢更不好,烦恼 谁都不明瞭,烦恼 烦恼 太烦恼的苦恼....”

轻快的一首歌。。。 让自己太烦恼也不是一件好事。。。钻进了牛角,就可能找不到退路了。。
所有事情还是让它平平淡淡过去。。。 不要增加自己的负担。。。不要给自己压力。。。别忘了。。。还有很多“猪朋狗友”陪着我们呢。。。=p