the end of my foundation year and the start of my degree year with challenges ahead that we all can't even imagine...
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December... 12 months of a year... what a student[me] did for the past 12 months?
actually, before i was being asked to go sing k by a friend of mine who loves sing k so much... but i refused since i am not a good singer... with that kind of voice... ew....but i don't know why... AST3, i joined them.... because i am the one who were asking in the first place..xD... i love to sing.. but thinking of NO TALENT... sorry....

ice skating, first attempt
don't have the nerd to try it after one round... floor is super duper slippery... so scare when I falls... it's really HURT....especially my BUTT.... i hope my friend won't feel @#$%^&... because after one round, here and there... i don't want to enter the field again... i am so sorry my friends... there won't be next time... i guess...
anyway, i really ENJOY spending the time with you all. CHEERS!!!

genting, first time with AST3..
at first, the plan was on 21September, right after jian quan's exam... but suddenly who? who? propose to be on 17september.. oh, my GOD!!! poh tatt's birthday... yeah!!!! we went to genting for 2D1N stay...
poh tatt's birthday! too bad can't help him do some cream mask!!
everyone is enjoying.. NICE!!
what a big happy family... i guess??
End of September till December, what a long long holiday... stay at home become parasite.. you all should know what is the meaning of it.. don't you...haha... nothing special happen when i was in holiday at my hometown... so...
year 2008, compared to previous year... i think that nothing special happen to me... nothing wrong was going on.. thank GOD, once again...but i am getting older.. T.T time passes and never say goodbye... one day 24 hours for everyone, fair and square... no one gets one second more or once second less.. it depends on how you spent it... for me, i don't think that i spent it on my study seriously... not blaming you all..but blaming myself for never get serious... i am a sagi..."WEI, that's not an excuse for you to escape" now, your responsibility is to get yourself on the path... get serious in the new coming year, 2009..
may all our wish comes true, all of us in good health and in good shape.. our future is depending on what we are now...
hey.. miss those memories so much la.. hope every sem can be wif u all together =)
Happy New Year!!
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