Finally, reach level40 and achieved 3rd job change... ^^
exam results are going to be released soon... but when??? so nervous right now... =S
I don't want to know my result, can?
Now that everyone is wondering and waiting "eagerly"(i supposed) for the exam results to be released... since last few days, friends are all asking when will the results be released and i have no idea... the university didn't mentioned what day or when they will released.. thinking of my result... geez... better not think about it...
It makes my heart beep getting faster... God!!!

after a month, then only i updated my blog... haha... because during the period... i have nothing to write... kind of busy(i guess)... and i don't really used to write blogs when there are people around... since i put my com in the living room.... so... privacy was limited... so here am i, during holiday... inside my room.. i update my blog...
finally, exam is over... should i be happy or what???
although the exam is over, but sometimes.. you will go and think about it.. take this sem for example... honestly, i didn't do well... or should i say this sem is the worst sem ever?
for some papers(almost for all papers), i didn't answer all... lol..
anyway, just don't think about it... still got dragonica to cover... need to rush level ar..... i need to level up to ballista... haha...
Spent around one hour on this movie in the cinema... OMG~ OMG~ OMG~ One people dies after another one... IT was about Nick who has the vision.. Trying to save all the survivor from the accident(car racing track)... want to find out more, go and watch it.... haha... don't get frighthened. Speaking of final destination, I didnt really go and watch 1,2,3... just roughly know what's the story about... i guess that's good enough... xD
Meanwhile.. my final is coming soon ALSO... OMG~ OMG~ OMG~ 4 main gate for me to pass through... 17Sept, 18Sept, 23Sept, and 26Sept...
ALL the BEST to my friends.. good luck... don't fail any paper... (p/s: i am the one who should take this advice SERIOUSLY... but still is applicable to all...) haha... AIM HIGHER...
最近 dota流行 OMG map....
简单来说,大致上都没有两样, 唯一不一样的地方呢.... 就是hero的skill, random给你...
就比如你选了一只你拿手的hero, 里面的skil却不是你那个hero的skill... 而是不懂谁谁谁的skill也放进去... 刚刚好四个....
讲到OMG~~, 就真的OMG~~哎哟,我的天...
不知不觉要面临 “死亡”...
还有很多 似乎赶得完,
“##怎么办? 感觉甜又酸,偷偷爱你,快乐又孤单##”
做人了观点... 不停的催眠自己
Recall back 25/07/2008, we didn't manage to celebrate with him... due to Discrete Maths.... but actually we can celebrate it after class... why i didn't think of it that time... kind of regret can't celebrate it... BUT FOR THIS YEAR... it's a YES.... yeah!!!
25/07/2009, Kyoong's birthday... and of course... it's a BIG DAY... what do we need to do??? CELEBRATE!!!! abor? what do you want to do?
At first, the planning was going to Green Box for K since there will be free flow soft drinks meaning unlimited... who don't want... unfortunately, all rooms are fully occupied... we had no choice but have to go low yat red box... but still consider good(hope so).... WHY? we get our very BIG ROOM for the very FIRST time...
After movie, walk around TS... wah...got don't know what show in front of TS... Don't talk so much... go and have some *snap* *snap*..lol
Busy taking photos...*phew*...
Last Event, Dinner.... we went to Wong Kok...
Happy Birthday!!! Here's your cake... Like it?
first of all, SORRY to the star... because
(i) no green box... and have to go to low yat...
(ii) first time watch movie need to sit seperately..
Very Sorry, I cannot make this as perfect as possible... causing you lot's of trouble running here and there... GOMENASAI..... hope there won't be next time...
Last but not least... thanks to those who are involved in this...thanks to Jason, thanks to Poh Tatt... thanks to those who wrote the birthday wishes to him... thanks to Jian Quan also for his Avanza... haha... THANKS.... THANKS... THANKS....
I was wondering how should i write this?? Any idea?
Now that every thursday is free... Real Free... compare to last semester which we have an off on friday... but that does not make any difference... we still have to go on friday for REPLACEMENT... TEST... bla bla bla.. BUT now... yeah... free on thursday....
so, on 25/06/2009, my friends and I went for a movie... and "cheong k" haha...
Transformer 2: Revenge of the Fallen...
it's a nice 2 hour and a half movie for me... i don't know what do other thinks... but for me.. its nice... the funny part is when Sam's mother went to Sam's University... and one of his mother's saying :"I can do anything for an A..." WOW... if and only if... i can also do anything for an A... haha... but that's not possible... stop dreaming....and the cutie small robot... Old robot getting a "tongkat"... isn't it....?[i mean robot, shouldn't be carrying "tongkat", somemore got beard...lol] maybe they will get rusty when time goes on... haha.. who knows...
2nd round, K-session at redbox, the garden...
from 3pm-8pm.... two buffet session.... wah... can't tahan... stomach too full... learnt a lesson... don't take two buffet session continuously... makes you suffer... any other lesson? haha...
next, 02/07/09... meet a secondary school friend at KLCC...
simple lunch and simple movie
Ice Age 3
A movie that spent you around one hour something... compare to Transformer 2, i can say that Transformer 2 is nicer... there's lot of funny dialogue inside Ice Age 3...from the beginning to end... and also you will see the "couple" Scrat and Scratte trying their best to take away the nut...funny scene... the story is about the Manny and Ellie is going to have a baby... but that's not the main part... the main part is the world of dinosaur.... Sid the sloth wanted to make himself a family... accidentally, he met "his baby"[dinosaur egg], after that Sid was being "kidnapped" by the baby dinosaur's mother... and because of Sid, they went to the underground world and discover DINOSAURS... of course, they had some adventures down there... with the help of Buck, a dino-hunters... they managed to rescue Sid... what a trouble maker... haha... i can understand how Sid feel[feeling emphaty...lol]
So, Ladies and Gentleman... when will be our next session??? [i don't think it will be so soon... my bed are now cover with notes, tutorial sheets... sleeping with notes every night and thinking about it all the time... haha didn't have to use blanket to make me warmer... T.T]
iTs been a while since last time i updated my blog... have the idea on what to write.. but don't know how to start off...
Thanks to my friends... who helped me a lot when i move things to PV10... without them, i can't move in to PV10 successfully... A very big round applouse to them... *thumb up* nice to have you guys as my friends...
I am now no longer sharing room... i will be taking single room... Nice? yea, quite nice...
speaking of result... last semester i did it soso~~ badly.... it was expected though.. but hoping it will become a better one..
now under probation, cannot take more than 15 credit hours causing me to be left behind... and i really need to struggle hard to catch up.. it is for you to say it but when you want to do... very difficult.... that's what " actions speak louder than words" what to do??? TRY hard for this semester.. each semester saying the same thing.. usable?
now is week3... still got a lot to catch up... Gambateh all!!!!
It's been a while since last time i updated my blog... too busy with all the things[exams, homework, assignment..and not to forget HAVE FUN].. wondering what to write now... So so so~~
Now, Semester break for me... ME.....
Of course, i am now "goyang kaki" at home, not to forget helping out also... and some own lifestyle...
After Semester break, something different...
(i) Study Environment- Setapak, Kuala Lumpur.... no longer Petaling Jaya, Selangor
(ii) Where to stay- PV10, setapak... no longer Section 17, Petaling Jaya
Approximately don't know how many km will reach UTAR in setapak... but thanks to UTAR, bus will be provided... BUT NOW, timetable has changed... my class...wednesday's class ends at 7PM... What on earth is going on, from Monday before 130pm change to wednesday 5-7pm... and the students didn't know anything at all.. I don't even know whether there is BUS for us?
not only that, one of the subjects... both lecture class are being arranged in a same day.. Imagine, you yourself having the same subject for the whole day and it's a heavy subject... lol...
PV10 is kind of far away for UTAR and honestly, it's not that convenient... cannot complain also... staying in setapak. no place is convenient... except for some places[don't have to mention so specific]... which got food to eat.. don't have to scratch your scalp and thinking of what to have and where for dinner....
Hopefully, my one year/ two years of study there will be just fine...
每个礼拜都有小考,assignment, 一个接一个。。。“好事”一连串的来。。好像忙里偷闲哦!可是 “不能,我要赢!!一定要拼!!”。。。。拼到来。。。 不如想象中的好。。。为什么??“不可以在玩下去了。。这不是儿戏。。。” 有几次,每当想起,很后悔。。。基本的也会错。。。 还有几个礼拜。。。我要撑到最后;可是也想放弃。。。我能吗? 肩膀酸了,累了。。。
“...我烦恼 太被动并不好,烦恼 太冲动也不好,烦...钻进了牛角,我烦恼 太聪明并不好,烦恼 太愚蠢更不好,烦恼 谁都不明瞭,烦恼 烦恼 太烦恼的苦恼....”
轻快的一首歌。。。 让自己太烦恼也不是一件好事。。。钻进了牛角,就可能找不到退路了。。
所有事情还是让它平平淡淡过去。。。 不要增加自己的负担。。。不要给自己压力。。。别忘了。。。还有很多“猪朋狗友”陪着我们呢。。。=p
那种依依不舍的心情,怎样都是会有的。。。 在这一年半里,要接近两年了。。。
下个星期,就是所谓的第四个星期。。。 可以感觉到肩膀越来越重,感觉扛不下了。。。
有个老人前来告诉他说:“你不要发愁了,我教你一个退出来的办法。你采用我的办法,一定马上就能得到解决。你立即砍掉骆驼的头,它就会自动出来。” 主人听信了老人的话,用到砍了骆驼的头。
砍掉骆驼的头,“它”就会自动出来?? 已经卡在那边了。。要“它”怎么出??又要打破瓮才能取出来。。。骆驼死了,瓮破了,简直是赔了夫人又折兵啊。。。
1978年,这位成功的走钢丝人在波多黎各表演时,从75尺高的钢丝上掉下来死了。这令人不可思议。后来,走钢丝人的华伦达太太说出了原因。在表演前的三个月,华伦达开始怀疑自己 “这次可能掉下去。”
他时常问太太:“万一掉下去怎么办?” 他花了很多精神在避免掉下来上,而不是在走钢丝上。
假如你有坏的预感,要告诉自己“不可能有这种事”, “绝对不会”,潜意识就会全盘吸收你的指示,一旦有了危机,它会替你处理的和平常的反应一样好,不会失常。所以,你要想办法把 “ 一定会失败”兴意念排除掉,换成“一定会成功”。
我就是要搬,你管得了我吗? =p
(i) moto
(ii) katak
(iii) wilson
(iv) jf
现在要做的事就是先倒数农历新年还有多久。。哈哈。。。不过,说真的。。。新年气氛,一年比一年“冷”,年龄关系吗?还是? 就连新年贺岁专辑,里头的歌,听来听去。。不见得有增加新年气氛啊。。只是MV里头放几只舞狮舞龙这里跳跳,那里跳跳。。就这样。。。
最新的这两篇(i)别跌倒在自己的优势上(ii)别让情绪把鱼吓跑 都来自『诗华日报』,我觉得这两篇很有意思。。所以就特地放上来与大家分享。。
我又再一次的在倒数了,距离我乘搭班机回吉隆坡的天数,三天。。无奈啊! 游子的生活,就是这样。。。背负着“游子”的名义,已经不知道是多久以前开始的事了。
每当朋友都说:“我回家过节。” /“我这个周末回。”心中不懂有多羡慕啊。。。如果说我不想家,那也是骗你的。。
我记得我学长写的一篇作文“游子们,回家吧!” 里面有提到家和屋子有什么分别?家只有一个字,屋子有两个字。好简单,对不对?真的是这么容易辨别就好咯。。
每次我与朋友对话时,左一句我的家,右一句我的家;左一句我那边的,右一句我这边的。搞到我自己都不懂再讲什么话。。重读了学长写的这篇文章之后,我觉得以“屋子”为我目前求学居住的地方,“家”为我的家。 我觉得比较合适。为什么哦?
屋子只是让我们睡觉和放东西的地方,家则有父母,弟兄姐妹,充满温暖,欢笑及关怀。只不过,回到家,偶尔也难免不了一些争执吧!同意吗? 我相信大家也不是百分之百那么听话吧[希望是对的咯。。]。。哈哈。。
2009... A brand new year with the same old me, same old attitude... with the same old wish...
1st day of 2009, wishing from friends keep on coming... Happy New Year!
I can say that time passes really fast, don't you agree? It's 2009, many unknown challenges, unknown.... waiting for us...
Although it's a new year, should bring up some new hopes... however, old hopes still do come up..
resolution for 2009...
(i) what a student wanted ?[ i guess you all should know what's that. if not, knock your head]
(ii)everyone is in good shape... and in good WEALTH... nobody is excluded... don't worry...
(iii) any wishes that come up suddenly may come true... at least make it real...xD